Wednesday 23 May 2012

Product Life Cycles

1. A fad that only lasted in the year of 1975 till Christmas that same year. This fad was "My Pet Rock."  My Pet Rock sold for $3.95, and creator Gary Dahl unloaded more than five million of the "pets" in six months. He walked away with a significant $15 million.  Popularity for the rock thinned out after the 1975 Christmas season.

2. A long lasting product that has been around for more than 20 years is Advil. Advil has been on the market since 1984. Advil is able to produce 32,400,000 tablets per year. This product is very popular and is usually the best seller when it comes to NSAID (non-sterodial anti-inflammatory drug).

3. A technological product that has only lasted about 3-5 years would be the CD walkman. When they first came out they were very popular and everyone had one. But about 5 years later technology was starting to build and MP3's were just starting to come out and everyone was getting rid of their CD walkmans.

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