Friday 2 March 2012

Yahoo! or Google?

By the end of the 20th century Yahoo! reigned superior to all other search engines including Google.
In 2000, the site had 56% of search engine referrals (Lycos, Excite, AskJeeves), six times times its closest competitor. In 2001, Yahoo! began using Google’s search algorithm. And as Google began competing for share, Yahoo! began to quickly lose steam. By the year of 2002 the popularity of Google's efficient search engine grew exponentially. It referred 31.8% of all searches, compared to Yahoo!'s 36.3%. During the next 8 years Google blew past Yahoo! and had 65% of the market share compared to the cloeset competitor Yahoo! which had 16.1%.
Today, Google faces competition form YouTube, Yahoo, Bing, etc. but they are still able to stay out on top and be the best search engine on the Internet because of their easy to use search engine and popularity.

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